Loch Dhu Nairn… a Halloween Story!

Loch Dhu Nairn... a Halloween Story!


Things that go bump in the night..!

Do we have ghosts at Altonsyde? If we do they are friendly and smoke a pipe or cigar, but a pipe I think.

In August I awoke quite sleepy and turned around towards the headboard, I had sensed someone, or something (there is no headboard, just some cupboard space) and I got a strong smell of smoke, not cigarettes but pipe smoke.

Lochdhu Gate on the map in the Tradespark, West Side area of nairn

The legacy of the Loch lives on, Loch Dhu means Dark Loch (Lake).

There was a loch at some point in time in the Tradespark area of Nairn. Probably fed by the Alton Burn.

Loch = Lake

Dhu = Black or Dark

There is Loch Dhu Farm and Loch Dhu Gate, names still used in the area and even the post office is Lochdhu Post office at the Local Co-op!

I found this interesting account of a story about Lochdhu on the Gurn from Nurn website.

At the junction of the Inverness road and Moss Side road and inside the v formed there and in the Achereidh wood there was, up to the beginning of the war, a pond of roughly twenty feet in diameter.

Gurn from Nurn

The story tells of a tragic accident where both a lady and her pony drowned in the pond. Read the story here for more details.

Lochdhu Farm on the map in relation to Altonsyde